About Us

Welcome to Navvidhan School

Our Story

CMI Congregation

CMI (Carmelites of Mary Immaculate) is the first indigenous congregation of Catholic Priests founded by St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara in 1831 at Mannanam, Kottayam, State of Kerala, inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. For St. Chavara, education was the only medium of transformation of the person, the family and the society. With this vision in mind, St. Chavara opened a Sanskrit School in the year 1846 at Mannanam, Kerala. In an age when Sanskrit education was the privilege of the elite caste and the privileged, this school was the first of its kind open for all, irrespective of caste and creed.

Founder St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara

Thereafter, he was instrumental and inspiration in the establishment of several schools. He admitted students belonging to all sections of the society, including the Dalits. This reformist feat paved way for the social revolution at the time when caste prejudice was widespread. St. Kuriakose emphasized that all human beings have an inalienable and undeniable right to education. He attached great importance to the growth and development of children in their homes.

The vision of Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara was carried forward by the members of CMI Congregation after his death on 3 January 1871. After the establishment of several Schools and Colleges and strong roots in Kerala, CMI congregation moved to other parts of India to render their services to the people through Education and Social Apostolate.

The CMI Priests reached Gujarat in the year 1972 and took over the first Catholic Educational Institutions in Saurashtra (St. Xavier’s School, Jamnagar and St. Mary’s School, Rajkot) from the Jesuit Priests who started it in 1950’s. Thereafter, number of Educational and Social Service institutions were established in different parts of Saurashtra and Kutch with the aim of providing quality education and better living conditions to all sections of the society and the journey has completed 50 years successfully benefitting a large group of beneficiaries from different walks of life.

CMI Institutions

Education is being the charisma of the CMI congregation, its members have been well trained and specialized in teaching at all levels of education from its very inception. The CMI congregation has the tradition and reputation of more than 190 years in the field of education.

In India, the CMI congregation is running 510 schools, 1 university, 2 medical colleges, 2 engineering colleges, 17 university colleges, 9 parallel and B. Ed. Colleges, 48 hospitals and dispensaries, 129 social services and rural development centres, 1 science research centre, 16 printing houses and publications, 13 periodicals, 1 daily newspaper and numerous charitable institutions.

As a Christian, catholic school, Nav Vidhan English School, Gondal, strives to develop not only physical, intellectual, artistic and cultural aptitudes of children, but also their character, from the earliest stages by inculcating sound moral principles which are meant to help them grow up as good children and become responsible

CMI Congregation www.cmi.in
Christ University, Bangalore www.christuniversity.in
Amala Medical College, Thrissur www.amalamedical
Rajagiri Engineering College, Kochi www.rajagiritech.ac.in
Santhigiri College Thodupuzha www.santhigiricollege.com
Kristu Jayanthai College, Bangalore www.kristujayanti.com
St. Joseph’s College, Devagiri www.devagiricollege.org
Christ College, Irinjalakuda www.christcollegeijk.edu.in
Sacred Heart College, Kochi www.shcollege.ac.in
Christ Nagar, Trivandram www.christnagarschools.org
Carmel School, Chalakudy www.carmelchalakudy.com
Chavara Cultural Centre, Kochin www.chavaraculturalcentre
Christ Academy, Bangalore www.christacademy.in
Marygiri Public School, Koothattukulam www.marygiri.org
Porukara Junior College www.porukarajc.org
Viswajyothi CMI Public School, Ernakulam www.viswajyothi.org
CMI Public School, Thrissur www.cmipublicschool.com
Devagiri CMI Public School, Kozhikode www.devagiricmipublic
Kuriakose Elias College, Mannanam www.kecollege.in
Jeevass CMI Central School, Aluva www.jeevass.org
Silver Hills Public School, Kozhikode www.silverhillspublic
St. Joseph College, Devagiri www.devagiricollege.org
Christ School, Gujarat (Bhavnagar) www.christbvn.org
St. Mary’s High School, Rajkot www.stmaryrajkot.org
Christ School, Poonch www.christschoolpoonch.org
Christ Nagar Senior Secondary School, Trivandrum www.christnagarschool.in
Rajagiri Healthcare & Education Nagar, Aluva www.rajagirihospital.com
St.Joseph’s Province, Trivandrum www.cmitvm.info
St. Joseph’s Province, Kottayam www.cmiktm.com
Carmel Province, Muvattupuzha www.cmicarmel.org
Sacred Heart Province, Kochi www.shprovince.org
St. Thomas Province, Kozhikode www.cmiclt.com
St. Paul’s Province, Mysore www.cmimysore.in
Preshitha Province, Coimbathore www.preshitha.com
Nirmal Province, Jagalpur www.cmijagdalpur.in
Marymatha Vice Province www.cmibellampalli.in