Our Traditions

Our Traditions

In our school we take pride in the following traditions.

To be friendly with one another in and out of the school.
Gentleness in speech and conduct.
To accept any work assigned to us as a rightful responsibility.
To rise when any teacher, elder or visitor enters any room or place where we happen to be.
To be courteous as a true sportsman with opposing teams and officials.
To respect the library rights of others using it.
To respect the beauty of the school premises and to report any damage which we may observe.
To avoid dropping waste papers in the school premises and to pick up any such papers dropped by others and put them in the waste basket.
To learn and observe good manners in the school and outside.
Use water sparingly and do not waste it. Water is the nectar of the earth.

These traditions are little things in themselves and they cannot be forced upon since this would destroy their value. The desire to observe them must come from within and must be genuine. Only thus can one’s character be formed.

“A Tradition is kept alive only by something being added to it.”