
The school fees are due in advance and should be paid before the 10th of every quarter period. It may be paid on a quarterly or half yearly basis in advance. You may pay fees by cheque or UPI.



First Quarter1st June To 10th June
Second Quarter1st September To 10th September
Third Quarter1st December To 10th December
Fourth Quarter1st March To 10th March
  • The receipt provided to you should be preserved for future reference.
  • If the fees are not paid on or before the due date a fine of Rs. 10 per week ill be charged. After the last date of payment of fee with fine, the defaulter’s name will be removed from the rolls. The student may be readmitted at the discretion of the Principal but only on fresh payment of the Re-Admission Fee.
  • Students of Std. X should pay all their dues including the fee of the last quarter before their Preliminary Examinations.
  • No student will be allowed to take the Final Examination without having paid all the dues in the month of March.