Admission Procedure

Admission to this School is guided by certain government regulations, age, ability and conduct. Applicants for admission can be tested and admitted to the Standard they are found eligible for.

PRE KG 3 Years Plus (As on 1st of June)
L.K.G. 4 Years Plus (As on 1st of June)
H.K.G. 5 Years Plus (As on 1st of June)
1ST 6 Years Plus (As on 1st of June)
9TH (Grant in Aid) Admission will be subject to the number of seats as per merit in Std. 8 Eng. Med.
11th Science / 11th Commerce (Grant in Aid) Admission will be subject to the number of seats as per merit in S.S.C. BOARD EXAM.

No admission is complete until the Leaving Certificate with student’s UID No. from the previous recognized school is made available.

If the pupil comes from other State or Board the School Leaving Certificate should be presented which is countersigned by the Educational Office of their State.

For all fresh admissions a Self-Attested Photo Copy of the below mentioned documents should be submitted to the office.

Recent Passport Size Photographs of Child & Parents (2 photos each)
Original School Leaving Certificate of the Previous School. (Std. 1 onwards)
Birth Certificate of child.
Aadhar Card of child.
BPL Card of family. (If applicable)
Caste Certificate of Child or Parent. (If applicable)
Baptism Certificate of Child. (For Catholics only)
Minority Certificate of Child or Parent. (If applicable)
1st Page of Bank Passbook of the Child or having Joint Name with Parents.
Yearly Income Certificate of Parent, issued by Mamlatdar Office.(Applicable for
students applying for Government Scholarship)
Photo ID Proof of Parents. (PAN, Aadhaar Card or Driving License)

At the time of admission, the students should be introduced personally by their parent / guardian who will be responsible for their studies, fees, conduct and discipline.

The Principal reserves all the rights for the admission of the students from Pre. KG to Std. 10th.